Jun 29, 2009 07:31
goddammit goddammit goddammit. my neck is screaming. if i tip my head back, it hurts from my neck down into the middle of my shoulderblade. im holding out until thursday. thursday they do the first of the medial branch blocks that may lead to neural ablation. what i do know is that im in a hell of a lot of pain. if i sit still im ok. if i look down im ok. but if my head tips back at all, i get this hot burning bolt of pain on the left side along with all the normal deep aches that i feel.
i want to chop my own head off...
i want this procedure to work. i want them both to work. one this thursday, and one on the 15th. if those work, they will do the ablation. WANT THE ABLATION. want to not feel like this in the next year. at this point, the desire for relief is totally obliterating my fear of the possible things that could go wrong with the ablation (nerve damage, etc).
i need to remember to bring something sweet with me. it helps.