i think chester is a bad influence

Jun 21, 2009 07:48

in the best of ways...

tongs in fountain valley was having a sale. we picked up 2 bags of aragonite (total of 20 lbs) for spot, 2 giant flats of bloodworms, a giant bottle of excel and a giant bottle of rid ich plus for less than $60. o and a free betta. who is now in the 60 gallon with the gagillion guppies. but he seems to be completely happy not to be stuck in a tiny bowl. he swims all over the tank and even plays in the current.

then we treked out to 405 fish where there was no sale, but lots of good prices anyway. there we snagged 10 rummy nose tetras for $1.50 each. most places its 5 for $15. they are in qt and seem to be well. they brightened up as soon as they were out of the bag. all 10 have made it through the night. they also sell small bags of indian almond leaves. i havent seen anyone else sell them locally. the cherries seem to appreciate their snack :). and chet picked up 2 crayfish. to give him a total of 3. so weird.

today i need to get another big bottle of melafix. and possibly go grocery shopping for the people.

i also want to know why vincent, my original L239 pleco has suddenly decided my plants are the most delicious things ever. hes destroying my giant amazon sword. and an anubias. fucker needs to knock that kind of thing off.
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