She lives!

Sep 10, 2008 19:46

Yes, I’m still alive! I’ve been lurking and reading, but it took an intriguing meme to break my 33 weeks with no LJ post streak! That’s down at the bottom, after the babbling.

This summer was great, but busy - Prince Brat joined the swim team and did really well… his whole team did. They ended up undefeated and have moved up a division - woo! We put in an above-ground pool and spent a lot of time out there on the weekends when we weren’t running around. Traveled a bit - Ohio’s Pro Football Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and HoF game for our anniversary, Philadelphia for Wizard World, Atlanta for general tourism and DragonCon - man, was DragonCon awesome this year! I even ran into droxy in her full Snape regalia! I’ll get that post up in a few days, once I sift through the pictures :).

Still writing, but slowly slowly slowly. Now that summer’s over, I should have more weekend time to get some writing done. Although that won’t be the case on Redskins home game weekends, because starting this season, we are proud (and broke) season pass holders!! WOOO!! Ten years on the waiting list, and it finally happened :).

Work’s crazy busy, as usual. Nothing on that front that would be even mildly interesting, so onto the meme!!

ETA...  I don't know how it happened, but when I corrected the lj cut "auto" thingie, it cut off a whole paragraph! Argh! It's now corrected - sorry, guys...

It's the "Here are the answers, but what are the questions?" meme! Respond to this post and simply ask if you want to know the questions to the following answers, and then you must in turn post answers in your own journal and make others wonder what the questions are. I read on another version of this that it’s supposed to be only one name per question, which is incredibly difficult. I cheated sometimes :).

Snagged from chaosvizier 
1.  florahart 
2. aite_eternelle 
3. Whichever one of you is an undercover wealthy millionaire
4. nothingbroken 
5. schmoo999 
6. from our big_wizard RPG days - yncarn8 
7. notlefthanded , because she’s too cool for words :)
8. butter_cup_ , kjay1 , notlefthanded 
9. rillalicious , thistle_verse , hawklaw , kjay1 , notlefthanded , chillit , maddyriddle , ah, heck, most everyone on my flist!!
10. kacydevon 
11. Hmm. Don’t really have an answer for this one. Probably because the majority of my flist is over the age of 17 ;)
12. mage_girl 13. chaosvizier 
14. ladymontgomery 
15. tff . I’m sure the Brittany Spears outfit he wore a few years back probably counts
16. butter_cup_,  whitemunin 
17. see above non-answer re: 17 years old
18. jnpsmama - in a good way!
19. jenocclumency 
20. antynora 
21. I dunno - maybe mmyrtle 
22. Ditto to the I dunno, let’s pick jesskastar this time!
23. chaosvizier and angledge , rulers of the ljdq !
24. snapesforte 
25. aphrodeia , kaitkaitkait - it’s all about the voice
26. rualon 
27. simplydreamin 
28. rillalicious 
29. rualon 
30. *wave*

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