Still living, still babbling

Dec 08, 2008 21:36

So I was nudged by andrian1 and figured I’d better make good on my promise to post more often. Hey, last time it was 33 weeks since posting, so 12 weeks is an improvement!! ;)

Lessee…. What have I been doing lately? Been traveling to DC a lot to go to Redskins games, which is fun but has been disheartening lately *mutter mutter no offensive line protecting the qb mutter mutter*, dealing with homework and all that fun kid-related stuff. I’ve seen the new Bond, Twilight, and Bolt (enjoyed all three) in the last month or two, and am salivating over the new Half Blood Prince trailer. Salivating, I tell you!!

Speaking of Harry Potter, most of you I met via fandom and fanfic, so you might understand this babbling.

I got a review for Cloak of Courage last week (an HG/SS fanfic I wrote a few years ago, before HBP came out) and, since it was a slow day at work, I followed the link on my Blackberry. Fanfic sites are, of course, blocked on my work PC but they can’t stop the Blackberry!! BWAHAHAHA


Anyway, I started reading a bit. Some parts made me cringe - typos, grammar, and that poor, poor ellipse (what had it ever done to me, that I felt the need to abuse it so?). Ellipse abuse aside, it was fun to reread it a couple of years later. A lot of it felt new to me, as if someone else had written it; there were parts I totally forgot about until the reread. Which makes me feel so bad for JKR and other authors in some of those fan interviews, when they get flack from obsessive fans because they don’t know/remember detail xyz from a book they wrote a decade ago. NOT that I’m insinuating, by any stretch of the imagination, that I am at all in the league of a published author (much less a super-rich-swimming-in-money-cuz-people-love-their-books-so-much author), but it just illustrated to me how easy it is to forget little bits of stories that aren’t part of the main plotline.

OK, enough fanfic navel-gazing. Though reading it did give me a plotbunny for a post-DH fanfic. Don’t know if I’ll ever write it… I have to finish the epilogue for my one Star Wars fic and the next couple of chapters for my other one. Motivation, where are you?? *crickets*
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