Advent Drabble 7: Absolution

Nov 30, 2012 18:58

Story: Absolution
Author: wendymr
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Jack Harkness
Rated: G
Summary: Can't stop thinking... what might have happened.

Written for scifiangel's prompt in my Advent Drabbles request post.


“Come in if you’re comin’, Captain.” The Doctor continues watching the external view monitor as, slowly, his newest companion approaches. “Can’t sleep again?”

“Can’t stop thinking...” Jack exhales. “What could have happened. What I almost did.”

The Doctor shrugs. “Lots of things almost happened. In another timeline, maybe they did. Maybe another you did wipe out the human race.”

“Thanks.” Jack winces, looks away.

“You asking for my forgiveness? Can’t give it to you. Wouldn’t if I could.” Jack turns away. The Doctor grips his shoulder and squeezes. “Only person who can forgive you is you. ‘Bout time you did.”

All drabble prompts now taken.

hurt/comfort, jack harkness, ninth doctor, angst, drabble, fic

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