Aug 31, 2005 22:08
1. Go into your livejournal archive
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find your 5th sentence (or closest to it.)
4. Post the text of your sentence in this post along with these instructions.
"all the hot kids are doing it."
the end...
but not really! i tricked you. i lied. i'm going to keep typing. that's right! and there ain't nuthin' you gonna do about it. except maybe stop reading but as long as you don't tell me, and pretend it never happened, then i'm down with that.
so this week i went to magical cupcake land with the shani. they took our picture! we are going to paint things of pink sweetness and well-sprinkled delight, cupcake things that it, and sell them, for thousands and thousands of dollars. okay, maybe i lied again. maybe only a few dollars. maybe only five...maybe less. wanna buy one? i'll bake you real cupcakes if you do.
so i reckon i have chronic fatigue syndrome. or perhaps even MONO, or, as i like to call it, THE KISSING SICKNESS. isn't it all the same these days? AIDS is in many ways similar to the common cold. except one you die, and the other, nuh-uh, you don't. like magic. like a whale-kissing moon maiden, who is looking at us, and the look is our doom. i could watch less T.V. i could get T.B. should 13 year olds be allowed to have sex with each other? it's a long running and convoluted debate, one might even say the debate of the moment. well for me it is. because...i'm pretty bored. and i've got nothing better to do.
maybe i'll research the air.