Aug 25, 2005 01:58
This has been cutting me ever since I heard it, and disagreed, but bit my wagging tongue: look, in my personal opinion, calling pasta "al dente" IS fucking pretentious, okay?! If you are not a connoisseur of pasta, who has spent hours if not days choosing flour and kneading dough and rolling and pressing and cutting the pasta from scratch, by hand, all on your own, and if you don't usually speak italian, indeed have never even been to italy, then what right have you to claim the "authentic" terminology of the region as your own? Huh? HUH?! None! No right have you! So in the future, my friend, remember: it will suffice to say that the paste is "done", okay, just "DONE", perhaps I'll even allow "done to perfection" if you want to be a real fag about it. But no more of this "al dente" shit! I can't take it any longer!