Busy Busy Busy... but a light at the end?

Apr 01, 2008 18:43

Shocker, isn't it? An LJ post from me for the first time in ages! I'll try to post a couple more in the near future to catch everyone up on what is going on.

I suspect everyone likely to read this already knows, but I'll say it anyway (cause I'm still excited enough to want to tell everyone I meet) - I'm getting married! Jack and I set the date for Friday 31 July 2009 at Cave Castle. I have already come to realize that wedding planning is much more stressful than I ever would have imagined. But most of that can wait a couple more months.

In the immediate future, I have more than enough stress to deal with just now! I'm working hard to get my Uni work under control. I've fallen very behind recently because I have not been well. There isn't a precise diagnosis from the doctors yet, but I have more tests scheduled in the coming month. I hope it gets sorted soon, because I can't keep going on like this. I'm off work for most of April. While I know I'll return to an absolute nightmare at the office, I've decided to view this time as an opportunity to get Uni work and GTP interview prep in hand. When I'm awake.

Speaking of that... I'll get back to work while I can.


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