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Aug 26, 2007 22:39

Today was awsome. After spending all day yesterday in NE with a bunch of people and have lots of fun I expected to spend the day at home. I went to work ( i had a bunch of fun today becuase instead of coloring and building block towers, we got all the stuff and went and played baseball in a feild that is next to the curch, we spent the whole time out there no child was injured and everyone played, the best activity ever). I went home planning to annoy my mother and convince her to do something with me for entertainment but before i got her to that point i decided to call mike. HE drove down here and we took out the kayaks finally!! IT was really fun. We went down and around the point (like 7 miles total) it took us about three hours because we got stuck in the currents comming back. Points are always dangerous and hard to navigate safely, but when we were passing through three large motor powered boats zoomed past us creating a bunch of huge waves out of the already risky changing currents...i almost flipped a few times and we had to stop for a rest break. We paddled as hard a we could just to keep from being pushed backwards...go us!! so once that was over with wewere pretty exausted had to carry the boats, tie them up, drive home, etc. We made yummy sandwiches, played video games, watched a movie. FIve minutes after he left at like 9...Alivia and Bryan show up at my doorstep ^^ I love my friends, especially now that they can drive. SO we then had to try and chase down my dog which took forever, attempted at making a fire but all the wood was wet *snicker* so we just sat around and talked for a few hours, i taught bryan how to make top ramen (thats right, he didnt even know how to make top ramen!!!) and talked some more. Sadly they had to leave but now I am in a good mood again. I didnt think I wa sin a bad mood untill I went to NE yesterday, because I changed soo much...I just feel way happier all the time when I have a few hours here and there of time with them.
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