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Jul 28, 2007 23:51

I am in one of the best moods (top two) of my entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOw crazy is that???

It is probobly becuase I just finished reading Eclipse (the third int he Twilight series). That book is so simple and yet it gets me everytime!! There are parts that make me depressed, some scarred, cant ever put it down, and other parts that just make me wanna jump around like crazy and give me enough energy to scream and jump off the walls. But it is also really powerfull....i dont get it. When these other ones I read are so much mroe realistic and scientific (which I really do appreciate in fiction) that I love to death....they just dont affest me the same way.

SO this week I read:
Guilty Pleasures-seccond in an awsome series, very violent, never ending climax intensity in a good way
Dead in Dallas-also seccond in a series, dirty and dark with violence thrown in, really good pacing and a bit less obsessivly intense
Rosemary's Baby-famous horor novel, not really any climax worth mentioning, still agood read but kinda slow and uneventfull
Eclipse-third in a series, has a bit of everything dark, violent, happy, dirty (mainly implied but I kinda have a dirty mind), awsome

All of those were read in 5 and a half days.
Can you see why I am going kinda crazy???

Not to mention all the kayaking I did:
-I was in Port Angeles so I kayaked at Cresent Beach monday (lotsa huge deadly waves and two grey wales who came right up next to us!!! That is really rare, dangerous, and kinda illegal how close we were but they came to us...mostly) 
-Then at a First Beach where I taught about five other people how to kayak and gave the little kids ridesin my storage hatch
-Then we did white water...not too exciting because it was only a level two river (we had little people and old people in a raft who were freaked out by the idea...but also quite dangerous since it is white water. Me and Caitlin of course still played soward fight during the one calm section , fell out of the boats and had to be rescued by the guide who brought us our boats OOPS, then we got the raft people soaked and freaked then out (they were already comfy on the water..tooo comfy)
-Then at the very NE corner of WA state....usually will kill you to even go out there since you have sea tides commign in from various directions all at once, but it was the best day of the year, and safest day possible, so we just got to enjoy the scenery and killed all our muscles while enjoying 10-12 miles of coastline, 1.5 hours of spearfishing (my dad in the water me following in a kayak for him to throw the dead stuff in) and 4 hours round trip of driving time on and off the Makah Res.

On top of all that I had: 
-the many hours of driving time (yes I had to drive myself and my car, they talked me into it, i dont know how)
-time with 16 family members on my mom's side including all my aunts, one uncle, a bunch of cousins, and my grandparents in this really nice, really expensive house that we were "house sitting" for friends
-I put on a murder mystery for everybody which means about 10 hours of work before the event and lots of stuff durign which was a complete successs and they all love me for it
-a few hours of book shopping since that huge pile i got the other day was signifigantly depleted
-bought the new harry potter book for guess how much??? $18.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isnt that crazy?? Brand new too.
-time down town at all the boutiques and everything
-and sooo much more. i am really glad i went this time, i got soo much stuff done.

Now all I want to do is read more books (luckily for me most of them are series that have no end in sight), go kayaking AGAIN, and i guess i shoudl come and see all my friends since they have been neglected. PLus as my mom puts it "I am a much different person after being with them..happier too" Im glad she thinks that because otherwise she would me more restrictive with me, as is I have alot more freedom then Caitlin did when she was my age. MY mom probobly can tell that it keeps me from having depressive breakkdowns that are chemically enduced by my brain...stupid genetics. Lucky for me ecsessive happiness and adreniline are the wonderdrug for such diseases.
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