Jan 31, 2006 20:25
My dog is totally scared of my cat! I have a 2 1/2 yr old female boxer, her name is Tinky. She weighs about 65 lbs. She is fawn, with white/black face. She is adorable, loving, fiercely devoted and a total wuss! She is scared of most men, except my step-father and my brother, and if the guys are wearing a hat when they come in the house, she will literally pee herself.
I have seen a little old man take her face in his hands and tell me how much he loved boxers and use to raise them as a kid and she actually pooped and peed right on the spot.
I was walking her one day when she was about 11 mos old; we stopped at the mailbox and I let the door on the mailbox slam accidently and she just bolted. Ripped the leash out of my hand, took off across the street, slammed into a neighbors chain link fence and got herself wedged under the damn thing. The bottom prongs were embedded in her flesh!
I have 2 cats. I had 3, but one died a few mos ago. He had a stroke and had to be put to sleep. He was my favorite. His name was CoCo. The remaining cats are female; Jazzy, who is CoCos sister, and July, a stray I took in when I found her on my back porch, after fireworks on July 4th, about 10 yrs ago. The dog has a different relationship with each of the cats. She got along well with CoCo. The dog would let him eat out of her bowl. The dog chases Jazzy, but never means any harm. July, however; is a totally different story, they have never gotten along.
Tonight, July chased Tinky into the spare bedroom, tail flying, toenails tearing up the hardwood floor, hissing, spitting, and the dog was hauling ass! The cat is resentful. The cat hates the dog. You can tell by the way the she looks at the dog. I can see the hatred. I had the cats first. I like the dog better. The cats obviously know this.
sissy dog