I am backed up posting pictures of my projects. School and my camera dying are responsible for that. But I have a new camera on the way and have taken three out of my four beginning of the semester midterms so I have so time. So without further ado, here is the stuff you have been waiting for:
A catterfly.. part butterfly part cat? I made up the idea for san diego comic con last year but this guy is a present.
and the back, check out the flower detail, and the wings are made of two layers of glittery felt with a crocheted trim around wire so they are pose-able.
This is a puppy I made for my boyfriends mom for Hanukkah. The real puppy was really butt hurt that he couldn't have it to play with, lol.
And he's pose-able too!
Finally my piece(s) de resistance! Because a gay boy wished for a planet full of unicorns!
Planet Unicorn.. Hey! I fiddled and fiddled and came up with a way to style yarn hair. It's tedious and takes a looong time, but look ab-fab as they say.
And Tom Cruise!
planet unicorn hee-aay