(no subject)

Aug 25, 2009 11:57

Today is an envelope-stuffing day, so that means it's time for a Livejournal post. First, work. Then, notable quotable. Unfortunately I've completely forgotten the set up for the slamming of my Southern roots. And oddly, the punchline doesn't really work without it. So you miss out on yet more witty comments from my darling little brother.

Right. Work.

I am collecting registrations for one of the projects I work on, and I occasionally wonder about some of the names I see. In particular, I think that if one's last name can be read as a verb, especially one describing an action that one would not want to happen to one's child, one should perhaps not give one's child the name 'William'. Also, is it better to hope that Holly has had a (presumably deliberate) surname change since she was born or that Mommy and Daddy Wood did that all on their own?

A few quotations that made me laugh over the past few weeks:

Re: clothing for an upcoming recent wedding:

gilana: Actually, I think I'm going to wear what I wore to alfie1981 and ironpoet's wedding.
kalliejenn2: So am I!
wellstar: Huh. Sarah and I were thinking we might have to do that as well.
kalliejenn2: You should.
gilana: Definitely.
alfie1981: Should I wear what I wore to my wedding too, then?

Yeah, I think maybe the four of us just shouldn't go out to eat together.

Re: wardrobe malfunction

saraheeyore: Wow.
wellstar: Did you just ogle me?
saraheeyore: Maybe.
wellstar: What makes you think you have the right to do that?!
saraheeyore: *points to wedding ring*

The scene: Cleaning day at the Dishwasher. Loud random music mix being blasted. Shania Twain comes on. Sarah sings along.

saraheeyore: "...man, I feel like a woman."
wellstar: Oh do you now?
saraheeyore: Yes. I think it's because I'm in the kitchen.

Okay, back to the envelopes.

notable quotable, work

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