Best friends are complex

Apr 20, 2007 00:40

Ok so i am confused about this best friend situation. So usally when you are friends with a person they call you back on a regualr bases and are intrested in your life. Worried when you become sick or ill. I mean upuntill this year these were all qualties i thought jason had now however i am starting to wonder. I mean i have not spoken to him in close to 2 months and i understand he is going through alot but one phone call to tell me that we are ok and that i did nothing wrong would be very appricated. I mean because at this point i don't know if i have a best friend or even a friend. At this point in the last semster at wells my friends up here anna, shannon, molly,eden,tiff know more about me then he dose. I remebered a time that he used to know everything and now i don't even know how to catch him up. I mean we usally had a open line of communcation no secrets no lies just honesty. Now it feels like we have no connection or anything just awkardness and things left unsaid. You know he is the one reason i want to go back home and at the same time i want to stay here. I so don't want to go home and be told that i am just not good enough and that our friendship is over. I just don't want to have that convosation and find out the best friendship in my life may be down the drain do to somethinh so stupid. I mean i know he has trust issues but this is a tad sad. I just wish he would talk to me and tell me what is wrong. I mean he is just one of the people that i wish could do this. I know venting helps and sometimes i think people think i am too weak to handle the big issues or that my advice won't be good. I just wish people trusted me is abit more or had more faith in me. I mean the simple things really make me happy.
Today was ok. I mean the roomdraw and choosing classes for next year were so much fun and i am happy i finally got a roomate and stuff. I guess i should listen to shannon and anna more often cause they told me not to get worked up and i did. So lets hope this pain slowly evaporates and that i don't need to got to the doctor.
see you on the other side
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