Sep 25, 2007 08:36
Age:22 Weight: 141
Went to the doctor yesterday morning to tell them I didn't want to take Paxil. I asked for Buspirone, which I had heard was a milder axiolytic and had great success with those who had no prior experience with Benzo's which I don't. She thought I said Bupropion and gave me Wellbutrin.
After I left I went to the library and looked up everything on Wellbutrin. I didn't see much that turned me off, other than the fact that it wasn't Buspirone. I thought before that maybe it was another name. So I went back to the doctor who said BuSpar wasn't a good drug, and was only given really to nursing home patients because of its sedative nature. I was surprised but trusted her when she said WB was going to work for me.
I fought with myself all day about whether I'd take it or not. I worried myself into a sick stomach and felt terrible.
I met up with Kelly for lunch and we talked about it, and finally I decided just to do it.
So I took 100mg of WB yesterday around 1:30 with lunch.
The only side effects I felt yesterday was some chest pain, but I'm almost entirely sure that can be contributed to the near panic attack I sent my self into with all the worrying I did. I've been known to feel chestpain in the past.
I was a little worried about the short term memory loss that many reported, and I noticed a couple times that I couldn't remember a word- but I think it was just a coincedance, and most likely because my mind was elsewhere.
I did feel generally better. I felt happy, but not abnormally so. I felt normal.
I'm banking on the fact that this is a Placebo effect but who knows.
I fell asleep very easily which is not normal for me at all, and I woke up feeling refreshed and in a great mood. It was the first time in awhile that I actually got up as soon as I woke up and didn't go back to sleep. Normally no matter how many hours of sleep I get, I can't get out of the bed unless I actually have something important to do. This is even on good days. So I am very pleased.