Man, it's been a long time ...

May 21, 2008 22:09

since I posted anything substantial! I've gone to a big MeetIn event, "Flower Power Anniversary Party", a bunch of craft shows, a big dinner out at McCormick & Schmick's. SPent Mother's day weekend down in Salem with birthmom to also celebrate her birthday. We went to the holiday brunch up at Silver Creek Falls Conference center. Had a lovely glass of Table Rock Merlot.

Hmmm, been still searching for a car to purchase. I've been hemming and hawing and going back and forth between buying new or used. I've narrowed the field down to 3 makes/models and in order of preference they are: Nissan Versa Hatchback, Toyota Yaris Sedan and Hyundai Accent Sedan. Found a great deal on the Hyundai Accent, but waiting to hear back from the dealership on whether or not it's real. Also waiting to request a loan from my new Credit Union. I might just go with dealer financing and then refinance with the CU if they can get me a better deal.

Went to a friend's art gallery opening. Loved your stuff Cynthia! Way above my price range, but really interesting and colorful. Had a nice time chatting with your mom!

I've been handling client accounts since April 18th, about two months earlier than the initial projections, so that's keeping me busy. Still a ton to learn, and our pricing roll out and a few other projects aren't leaving a lot of free time at work.

Spent some time with my folks, and they'll be back at the end of the month for almost two weeks. They're celebrating my Mom's elementary school reunion and the 100th anniversary of her church/school.... plus their 44th wedding anniversary on the 6th.

Last Thursday spent the afternoon with my cousin V, she picked me up from work, we went to dinner at Canton Grill, stopped at Fabric Depot for thread, and I hemmed her work pants for her. I did a decent job, especially since they are for hard-wearing at work. Turns out the prisoners make the uniform pants now, and let me tell you the original hems on the pants sucked, and were totally uneven. I got the hems to line up, but I had to cut 4 inches off one leg and 6 off the other on both pairs! I didn't feel to bad about the end result.

Snickers has been doing better overall, but still have to use the Feliway on a regular basis. She lets me know when the diffuser runs out of oil. This last weekend I bought her some rolling balls with bells in them and she's been going crazy running up and down the halls and playing with them. She's having a blast!

Last weekend I went to see "Prince Caspian: Narnia II" and really enjoyed it, unfortunately I spent the rest of the weekend at home and mostly in my jammies dealing with a spring/summer cold. This damn thing has me wheezing and making all sorts of interesting/scary sounds. I'm feeling a bit better, but the coughing and mucus is lingering on.

What else, not really any dating action going on, but there are several frequent surfers of my OKCupid profile. Not really worried about it at the moment anyway as I've got enough going on right now.

birth family, birthmom, sewing, update, movies

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