Last Couple of Weeks Update

Mar 16, 2008 19:09

So, back on March 5th I started at my new job. It's kind of been a whirlwind the last couple of weeks and I haven't had time to put anything down except for my book tallies. The first three days consisted of a lot of meetings, time spent one-on-one with my new boss, and meetings with my new coworkers / team. I was also given the gift of shorter days for my first three shifts, and got there around 8:40 AM and left at 4 PM.

The 4 PM departure worked really well as mschilepper came down to spend the weekend and I was able to meet up with her and loree_borealis at Union Station when her train came in. We headed off to Montage for dinner. We met loree_borealis's hubby there. I had an awesome beverage called something like Ms Crystal's Chuckles, and the sundried tomato pesto mac with chicken.

After dinner we headed out to The Aladdin for the show. We were planning on stopping for another drink on the way, but after seeing the line of folks waiting outside we opted to get in line instead. we continued a lovely chat and ended up conversing with some other folks in line. We were also luck in that the rain had decreased to mostly a drizzle by that point.

We finally got let in to the theater and got some great seats. Pre-show the entertainment started early by this drunken jackass whose girlfriend told him that she paid $100 for special reserve tickets. The show was general admission and all tickets cost the same, so his entitlement ass was out of luck. It was pretty funny to see him wandering the aisles asking people for their seat number and trying to get them to move for him and his equally drunken ladyfriend.

Eventually it was time for the opening act, and he was hilarious! I think his name was Andy Keegan? Then it was time for the headliner. Mr. Craig Ferguson! He was absolutely amazing! He did a ton of voices, jumped around the stage and riffed on Sean Connery and the fact that he always plays the same voice and mannerisms regardless of the nationality he's playing.

After the incredible show, we trekked to Pix Patisserie for dessert. I had the Royale.

Following dinner we drove back to Montage to drop Mr. Borealis off and then we drove out to my place to drop off me and mschilepepper.

Saturday we three headed out to Saturday Market and met up at Skidmore Fountain. We hit almost all of the booths and I bought a "body pillow" for Snickers. It was made with a lovely fabric and it was highly dosed with catnip. Lunch was at Berbati's then mschilepepper and I took the MAX back out to my place. Next on the agenda was birthmom P dropping by with a couple friends after their trip to Mecca (Fabric Depot).

After that we took the bus out to dinner at Arctic Circle and went to the movies. We saw 10,000 BC. Bus trip home and a cocktail and it was time for bed.

Sunday we met loree_borealis for Brunch at Manzana in The Pearl. Lunch was amazing and we had time for some touristy stuff before mschilepepper had to catch her train back home. The agenda included shopping at Powell's, a drive up to Pittock Mansion, the Vista Bridge and Council Crest, and Washington Park. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and we got to the train station just in time.

Last week was just more settling in at work. I'm apparently blazing past their expectations for a new person and they're talking about giving me account territories sooner rather than later. The commute hasn't been too awful, it's been averaging around 4-5 hours as I've shifted my schedule to 7:50 AM to 4:20 PM. Friday I laid the background work for a possible carpooling deal.

In the meantime I'm looking for a car to buy, and thinking of joining a credit union for access to a better loan rate, and I'm working the Costco membership car purchasing deals. One dealer has quoted me prices that are up to $4K below the lot retail price. Another dealer today offered to drive out to my place from Beaverton, grab a bite at Montage and get me hooked up with a car tonight! I told him that it'd be at least a few weeks til I was ready to buy. He also reassured me that if my credit score meets their criteria I don't need paystubs from work, which was an interesting data point.

Yesterday I met with mnemosyne9 as she had an extra ticket to "Twelve Angry Men" at Keller Auditorium. The name star for the production was Richard Thomas aka "John Boy" from The Waltons. It was an incredible performance! Thanks mnemosyne9!! After that since it was too early to meet her BF for dinner, I headed to Pioneer Place Regal Cinemas and caught a showing of "The Other Boleyn Girl".

Today was just laundry, dishes, vacuuming and steam cleaning some of the carpet. All in all a busy couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to update a little more frequently in the future!

update, movie, friends

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