The weekend that was....

Oct 14, 2007 20:04

Friday night my folks came in on their way to a cruise in Mexico. I cooked dinner of sauteed zucchini, green beans, salad, mashed red potatoes, and rosemary/garlic chicken. After dinner we trekked to the Dollar Store to get some decorations for my brother's rehearsal dinner in a few weeks. Then went to Fred Meyer and got some stuff.

Then we opened my Mom's birthday presents from me. Gave her a new leather purse, a bunch of scrapbooking fabric/paper and a calendar of Hummingbirds.

They had to get going pretty early so I set my alarm and woke them up and helped them get all their stuff ready to go, then went back to sleep for a few hours.

The rest of Saturday was spent catching up with shows on Tivo and I baked some cookies.

Sunday I met P for lunch, along with J, her son and his hubby, and we ended up at Claim Jumper. I had a really tasty pasta dish and a mojito and we all five split a piece of Mud Pie that was brought for the birthday boy. It was a nice time, and the food was great and pretty reasonably priced.

Then it was off back to home and getting ready for a date. I met a guy for a movie and we went to see 'Elizabeth: The Golden Age' and ended up going out to dinner at Happy Garden afterwards. Overall a nice weekend and a lot of fun.

birthmom, weekend

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