Weekend Update

Sep 24, 2007 15:20

Friday night
I had an invite from a friend to attend their traditional "sci-fi friday" entertainments, so I stopped at Safeway on my way there, and picked up some garlic bread, a bottle of Gato Negro Cab-Merlot, and some Berry Punch. It was nice to catch up with her and another old political friend and there ended up not being too much sci-fi for the evening anyway. We watched Death of a President on DVD and then most of the end of the latest Doctor Who episode and then it was time for me to head home. Took me about an hour to get home. The Powell #9 line has buses that don't go all the way out, so I got out to 98th Avenue and then had to wait another 20 minutes or so.

Saturday was the day of running all over the place. I got the fabrics cut out for my Mom's pillows and a section to recover her bench at the end of the bed. Then it was time to head out for some shopping and a stop at the library. Last Wednesday morning my beat-up, old watch had died, and I really need a replacement. Since I was 12, I've almost always had a watch on my wrist except for lazy days of staying at home.

After the library stop, I headed to lunch at Burgerville (didn't have breakfast before that so a little justification was in order). Next I walked from there up to the MAX line and caught it to Gateway Transit Center. In my couple days of scouring the downtown shops (Swatch, Saks, Nordstrom, Ross, Twist) and the internet, I had discovered that Kohl's had some great watch options. I'm picky and like simple faces with plain leather bands. Upon my arrival at the Gateway Kohl's I discovered that it doesn't open til this coming Friday, so that was a disappointment. However, there was a Ross out there too, so I swung by to check out their stock. They did have a better selection than the one downtown, but still didn't have what I was looking for. At that point I almost gave up and was going to look at Lloyd Center after my hair appointment... but I had to walk past Catherine's on my way back to the MAX stop, and as I glanced in there I saw they had a jewelry counter, and wandered in to check out what they had.

At first I just noticed more of the stupid frilly, gaudy, watches that I have no interest in, but finally noticed a black showcase box in the center. They had a watch face with a set of 7 leather straps in various colors. I asked to see it and discovered that it was only $29,99! So I snapped it up, and now have a lovely plain silver watch with straps in black, white, brown, blue, orange, red and green! Yay!

Next stop was my hair appointment where I arrived 45 minutes early due to the vagaries of Tri-Met and the weekend schedule. I got to chat with my stylist as she took her lunch break and we caught up a bit. As usual, she did a wonderful job and took a lot of the heavy pieces out of the back and it's curlier and nicer again. My next appointment won't be until after my brother's wedding, since she's taking that day off for her birthday.

After finishing at Blu, I checked the movie listings and found a showing of Resident Evil: Extinction at Lloyd Center and hopped on the bus through downtown and transferred to the MAX to head out to Lloyd Center. While I was waiting on the bus, I had a nice chat with my Mom. At some point during the movie Pauline called, so I called her back while I was on the way to the MAX to head home.

As I was walking down the shared driveway, my neighbor P came up and I was able to get his signature on some HOA documents to send in this week, so that worked out well too.

Sunday I slept in extensively and didn't end up doing much. I cut out 2 weeks worth of Sunday paper coupons, read the Sunday Oregonian, did a load of a few towels for swimming, caught up on a bunch of stuff off TiVo and managed to pin up one of the pillows for my Mom's bed. I did have some lovely ramen with hardboiled eggs and green beans, and ordered a pizza for dinner. It'd been almost a month since I had gotten pizza, and with the thin crust and fact it covers four meals, not too bad an expenditure.

Tonight is water aerobics again, and I'll be wearing my other swimsuit so we'll see how that goes. This one is designed more for water exercise, so hopefully I won't be stopping to pull up the suit front quite as much and I'm shooting to exceed my recent record of 40 chin-ups during the class too!

update, weekend

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