Sunday Salem Update

Jul 29, 2007 22:12

Got started late as cousin V was up really late. Finally got down to Salem, and hung out for a whle as P finished off a berry cobbler/crisp in the oven. While the cobbler cooked, it was present opening time. I got quite the haul!

First off, a fat percentage - digital scale, a stained glass piece with kitties on it, gingher scissors with their own sheath and carrying case, two sewing/cutting mats, a framed photo of P and I taken at the birthday party we attended at Edgefield a couple weeks ago. She also got me two finished pillows, and several pillow forms and another fabric piece that will go great with the rest of the fabrics I've selected. She also showed me an amethyst that she had selected for me and will have made into a pendant for a necklace.

AND, the gave me about 8 Clinique lipsticks and a handful of Clinique eye-shadow compacts and mascaras that she had gotten as gift-with-purchases in the past.

Next it was on to dinner. We went to the Applebee's in South Salem where my brother and his fiancee have second jobs. We got there while he was on a break, so he wasn't our main waiter, but he helped our server, delivered our food, and got S & I sundaes for our birthdays! He also got to spend a little time meeting everyone and stopped by several times to chat. Shortly before we left, his fiancee N came by and got to meet everyone too.

Then, we headed out to Sublimity to meet a friend of P's and help her with her garden for a bit. After some nice conversation out there, we road-tripped back to P's house for dessert. She had made a chocolate cream cake that was fabulous, the berry cobbler and french vanilla ice cream. We hung out some more and then it was time to get on the road.

Finally got home around 9:20 PM and gave V and K several items they wanted from my garage, so started the clearing out early. Gave them a mirrored medicine cabinet, a purple room divider screen, two cans of stone type spray paint for the screen, 1.6 cu.ft. microwave, a kitchen organizer and a box fan. So I really helped out a cousin and her daughter, and cleared out some extra stuff from my garage!

All in all a great end to a great weekend!

birthfamily, birthmom, birthday

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