Weekend Plans....

Apr 06, 2007 10:10

Today the office is shutting down at 3 PM, for Easter / Good Friday. I'll be catching a bus down to horseless_rider and we'll be headed out for a PDX CF Girls Night Out commencing at Vino in Sellwood. It's a great little wine shop with an amazing selection and a super cool owner. Their tasting runs $10 and starts with 5 wines. They also have bonus pours of usually great stuff for a bit more, and tonight there are two bonus pours and a third ultra-bonus. Should be fun.

Not sure where we might head after that, but I'm betting food is on the list!

Tomorrow I've got to go shopping to get the ingredients for whatever salad I'm putting together for the Hawaiian Hukilau at Chez Moosie moosie55 with a large portion of the Portland CF Contingent. Should be a blast. The party is in honor of the first "L'il Sizzler" of the season.

Then at some point I need to stop by the library to drop off some books that are due next week, and I kinda want to go see Grindhouse, but it's not likely that I can find someone to go with me on Easter Sunday! Hee! Oooh and I just realized that because of the holiday I better get my ass to the library on Saturday before/during shopping, so that I can check out some books too.

All in all, should be a wonderful weekend, with lots of things to do and lots of friends.

Edit: for those of you wanting to live vicariously, here's the website of the place: http://www.vinobuys.com (also listed below in comments too).

wine, hukilau, wine tasting, cf, movie, weekend, library

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