Belated weekend update

Jan 31, 2007 21:45

My folks were staying with me all weekend and arrived Friday while I was at a fundraising dinner. Saturday we got a lot done, my new curved shower curtain rod was installed, a couple of picture rail shelves, a bunch of prints, photos and paintings hung up too. We made a run to Costco and I stocked up on laundry detergent, TP, paper towels, kitty litter and laundry stain remover.

My Mom and I went though my closet and dressers and I got rid of two gigantic bags of clothes, and about 10 pairs of shoes that no longer fit too. There is actually room now for all my clothes and I managed to get the piles of papers and clothes off of my chaise in the bedroom. It's so much more organized now. I just have to deal with my craft cart in there and then the bedroom will be done.

Next major projects to tackle are the computer room/library and the garage. There are a few other smaller projects to take care of too, like re-organizing the kitchen for efficiencies (it's nice and clean), a couple closets and everything will be organized and in order.

I might even find some stuff I can sell. Wooohoooo!

cleaning, chores, house, organizing

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