Snickers Update Part Deux

Jun 26, 2006 10:46

Called the vet at around 9:50 AM and got the go ahead to come pick her up. Since I'm at work, A is going to get her. We're supposed to take her back in either Thursday or Friday AM to have her drains/wicks removed and probably closed up. So far this little adventure in cat care, that was just supposed to be two annual exams and a couple of vaccinations has come up to:
$295.75 for both exams, surgery, anesthesia, two nights at the vet, food, care, and vaccinations
$65.00 for Comfort Zone / Feliway diffuser, refill and spray bottle + shipping
$23.95 for prescription of kitty prozac and pill cutter
$384.70 ~ So thank goodness that I actually have a good credit card right now, because that is more than I have in my checking account, and payday isn't until Friday!

So, now I have to find someone who wants to take in Precious and give her an only-cat household. This new household should probably be dog-free too, since she didn't get along with my parents two maltese-bichon mixes, but they are pretty rowdy dogs, so a calmer one would likely be OK.

I don't want to list her out on Craigslist, and definitely don't want to drop her off at a shelter. I can send at least a month of food and snackies with whoever takes her, and of course the kitty prozac too.

The icon pic is Precious, she's a short-haired red/black/cream tortoiseshell, and is a sweetie to anyone who isn't another cat.


snickers, vet, precious, update, cats

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