THE DUPLEX IS RENTED!! (shouted in a Chris Elliot/Cabin Boy voice)

Feb 16, 2006 20:01

So, the young couple just left. They got their keys and paid all the deposit in cold hard cash! So, I've got $1,100 in tens, twenties and fifties in the house until I can deposit it tomorrow.

Plus they got to sign the lease on the guys birthday, and after they left my place, they headed out to Red Lobster to celebrate the lease and his big day.

And in a very strange coincidence, the husband works in my building! So they've got another way to get ahold of me in case of emergency at ye olde duplex!

*whew* I'm so very glad that is over, and since it is my parents' only rental in Portland now, hopefully they will stay a very, very long time and I won't have to go through the rental application drama again anytime soon!

coincidence, duplex, rental

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