Busy, Busy

Feb 07, 2006 09:31

Today I'm having lunch with gutterboylive at a potstickers/asian restaurant in my building. I'm really looking forward to it, since I'd been reading his commentary on ascf for years, and have been chatting with him on LJ and the PDXCF list for quite a long time, and have yet to meet IRL, so to speak.

After work I'm getting my hair cut, it's due for it again as it's now long enough to get caught under my book-bag strap, and that is a pain in the ass.

Potentially I'll be meeting up with the PDXCF Contingent at 9:30 PM tonight at McMenamin's Kennedy School, but am unsure of being able to make it because most of the gang live on the far West side of town and I'm on the East side in the boonies. Tri-Met transportation at that hour is scary and unlikely to get me home before the bus line nearest my house stops running, so I'll be thinking about logistics today to see if it will work out.

Tomorrow night, I have two or three potential renters meeting me at my parent's duplex for rent to give me their applications and see the inside of the place. Hopefully A will find the camera sometime today or tomorrow morning, so that I can take some photos of the place to use on updating the Craigslist ad if I have to.

Thursday night is the Central Committee meeting for the Multnomah Democratic Party, at which I'll likely be expected to do credentialling yet again. :( Then Friday I've got a 3rd Congressional District Democratic Delegation Meeting... first in over a year. Last night I had a flurry of email exchanges where it was claimed that I am actually the Recording Secretary for that group, which I vehemently deny.

Next weekend we have the endorsement process and all the candidates will be giving their spiels in hopes of getting our votes for endorsement for the May Primary. Should be interesting, and I'm really, really hoping that the Vice Chair won't be working that weekend at her new job, so that I won't be stuck with all the credentialling as well as the vote tallying. I've also got to figure out what type of report/project I'll be able to produce before the end of my term in July or so as Historian of the County Democratic Party.

I'm also hoping to be able to head to a free wine tasting Saturday at Great Wine Buys on Broadway between 2-5 PM to taste their selection of new Italian reds.

wine, schedule, democrats, update, politics

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