on deep connections

Nov 12, 2010 10:46

(no that is not a holic reference)

I've been rewatching the first two seasons of Supernatural with my quasi-roommate F, which is no hardship since she feels exactly the same way I do about the Winchesters. (Namely, AOSDJFKLASJDF OMG ASLDFJLASDJ ♥ etc.) This drabble came from some episode where Dean is doing his don't-do-anything-stupid-okay-Sammy? face. Yes, that's most of them, I know.


He sees something when Dean looks at him - on those endless nights, those hunts when they've trapped (or been trapped by) their quarry, when he suggests they split up and Dean just looks at him - with shadows and secrets haunting his expression, words glittering in his gaze but silenced by the grim slash of his lips, words Sam doesn't (will never) need to hear because the look on his brother’s face on those nights is enough to make him run just a little faster, pray just a little harder, and sometimes (almost) gives him the strength to pull the trigger.


(also isn't that icon SO APPROPRIATE my god)

blather, quasi-roommate f, supernatural, fanfiction

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