on supernatural 2.10--hunted

Apr 05, 2010 23:14

This episode totally makes up for the last one. I didn't do a play-by-play this time, but I will summarize my feelings with the usual A;LSKDFJASL;DJF DEEEEEEAN OH YOU GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL DOLL. Because Dean broke my heart over and over in this episode. First he was devastated over having to tell Sam what John said before dying, and then he begged for Sam to understand, to give him time to come to grips. And he swore he wouldn't do what John said he'd have to do - oh, I could just taste his determination.

And later, with Gordon? When the tripwires went off? The first one, Dean looked horrified. The second, he looked absolutely broken. I thought I was going to cry, I really did. I mean, I knew it wasn't what he was thinking, but still. The depth of his terror during the episode - from his conversation with Sam on the phone to his simmering rage at Gordon to his bone-deep fear that the worst had happened. The relief on his face afterward was gorgeous - DID YOU SEE THE WAY HE GRABBED SAM AFTER GETTING OUT OF THE CHAIR? He had to touch him, just to make sure. And then he was going to kill Gordon on sheer principle. MANLY DEAN, OH YOUR BROTHERLY LOVE, IT MOVES MOUNTAINS.

And then his fury with Ellen over who might have talked to Gordon in the first place - aw, man, Dean. You're just so - *swoon*

May I also add that Dean's point-blank refusal to accept even the suggestion that Sam might be manipulated into doing evil things, or fighting for the wrong side - ooooh. My favorite line of the whole episode was his reply to Sam's little speech that Dean couldn't protect him from everything, especially the mysterious war on the rise: "I can try." And you will, won't you, baby, because for you there is no other option. There is nothing else acceptable other than keeping your Sammy alive and safe. That whole conversation in the car after they escaped - yeah, that was just perfect.

D: If you ever run off like that again...

S: You'll what? Kill me?

D: DDD< That is so not funny.

S: *snicker*

Because gallows humor is the best there is, ain't it so, Sam? And then right after that: "Bitch."/"Jerk." A;LSDKFJASK;LDFJ BACK TO NORMAL, BROTHERS ♥

And, yeah, okay, I will admit that pretty much the only times I spoke aloud while watching this were to say several variations of "Oh, Sam. Oh, baby. DDD:" or to voice my displeasure when Gordon kept using Dean's nickname for Sam. It might sound kind of dumb, but my reaction to that recurring annoyance pretty much followed the progression of:

>>>"Don't call him that. Only Dean can call him that." Which Sam TOTALLY TOLD HIM last time they met, EEEEEEE HOW ADORABLE IS THAT
>>>"Stop calling him that."
>>>"Don't fucking call him Sammy, goddammit!" (And then Sam, a;sdlkfjas;lkdj, "It's Sam" and you could totally hear the silent You batshit-crazy motherfuckin' son a bitch on the end of the sentence. *glee*)

Yeah, I'm a little on the madly in love side. But it's more fun that way. Is that enough Supernatural for one night? >.< Stupid question.

blather, supernatural

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