Counselor App Goes Here!

Nov 21, 2008 00:00

Character name: Shiraki Mayuko
Series: Fruits Basket (manga only)
Age: 26
Job: Library Acquisitions & Development Supervisor

Canon: Fruits Basket is a tale of transformations. It’s the story of the Sohma family, who have twelve thirteen members cursed by the spirits of the Chinese Zodiac to change shape whenever they grow weak or are embraced by the opposite sex. It’s the story of budding shoujo-messiah Honda Tohru; she gets swept into the household of one Sohma Shigure, where by keeping house for him plus two of her classmates she receives free room and board. It’s the story of princely Yuki and hot-tempered Kyou, struggling to define themselves in the world outside the Sohma compound before they get trapped within it permanently. Every character has their secrets; each nurses their own sorrows and injuries caused by the Zodiac Curse. But Fruits Basket is not just a story about experiencing the tragedies of life: everyone, even Tohru, is asked to face their painful memories, to make peace with them and transform them into new-found strength in order to move on.

Of course, when she’s not Jesiing the emo out of the Sohma family, Tohru attends Kaibara Public High School! Her homeroom instructor, Shiraki Mayuko, is the series' central teacher: a formidable singlewoman who does NOT abide disruptions in her classroom. Sure, when her students behave, "Mayu-chan-sensei" is one of the most easy-going of educators. However, discipline is swift and decisive-try to ditch her class, and you’re liable to get thwapped in the face with the roll call folder. Start a fight in her halls, she’ll dump a bucket of water over your head to cool you off! But not even this redoubtable lady is immune from the misery surrounding the Sohma family; witnessing the star-crossed romance between her best friend Kana and the Zodiac-cursed Hatori, Mayuko chose loyalty over passion, unwilling to compromise her integrity and Kana's happiness over her own infatuation with the doctor. Overall, Mayuko's stern demeanor veils a perceptive nature and a deep concern for the well-being of her students and friends.

Sample App:
Well, campers, I've just discovered the truth in that old saying- you really can't go home again! Especially if there's a giant barrier enclosing you in a zombie-infested summer camp! That's the bad news; the good news is that after three years, the powers that be STILL haven't instituted mandatory education programs in Camp Fuck You Die. (Guess they figure you're learning practical life lessons from the gorillas, the poisonous soup, and of course Marcy-chan-sensei.) But I, the Great Teacher Shiraki Mayuko, have been offered a new line of work, designed to plant knowledge inside of your eager minds. As of today, I am the Library Acquisitions & Development Supervisor...or, "that woman who buys new books for the library, whenever she receives the funding." But how will this be done?

First, YOU who want books should complete this book-request form. It asks the usual questions- what is the title of the requested material? Who is its author? What's your si- wait, that doesn't go there! That laptop I used must be defective; did it think I was writing a personal ad? Tch, now this copy had better turn out perfectly, or I’ll find the manual and - “What’s the book’s subject?” Smart computer, it fixed itself! But yes, fill this out and tell me what this place is missing. Let your voice be heard! After all, it's hard for me to tell whether you want that stream of trashy romance novels and sparkle-vampire books to continue flowing into camp or not.

Then I (who also wants books) will take all these forms and order what I can find from the various sites around the Web. Granted, the majority of the books will be coming from my parents' store in Japan. Hope you don't need those books urgently, 'cause they're going to be coming from far away. Just remember, even if you get whisked away before your essays on the toucan's life-cycle arrive, some other lucky person may want to research that same topic someday! But wait, how will these books be getting to camp, you're wondering. Well, they'll be delivered in one large package a month. (See what I said about not being in a rush!) There are some issues with camp's mail service, but I assure you, this system will run like clockwork once I get it started. Now about that drop-point, they said they'd be finished calibrating it any moment and...ah-ha, here's the e-mail!

“The delivery location will be...wherever we want! From the Center of Camp, to the North Pole, to the...” TO THE EDGE OF THE LAKE?! Ohhh, is this supposed to frighten me? Well then, just let that calamari-combo try depriving my campers of their book deliveries! Who knows? I may end up teaching Marcy-chan something about literature myself. A copy of the Riverside Shakespeare should do the trick! Serious poll now, campers: with one of these hurdling towards your face, who wouldn't gain a better appreciation of the classics?

…"No one, Great Librarian Mayu?"

Ah, that's what I like to hear! Class dismissed!

Votes: 47/55, that's 85.5% in! Thanks, everyone!

camp info, app

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