My, how time flies when you're down for the count! Here it is Wednesday already. Last thing I clearly remember is Sunday night, when Lachlan was helping everyone in the SCA Dell tear down their tents and get their gear packed away! Weird!
The Autumn Great Plains Renaissance Festival went very well, as I understand. I wouldn't know, I hardly left the SCA's area.
This year, we had set up what we do best: A living history display. There were so many period tents and equipment set out for the tourists to see--it was awesome! The fighters did their fighting thing as usual, but we of the non-fighting persuasion displayed our talents in others ways. No, you crazy buggers, not that way! I mean, we showed off our arts and sciences skills. It was all so very nice to see and participate in. I sat under a tent and worked on my kumihimo; I answered about four dozen questions about what I was doing, what the SCA was, how do you get started in it, etc. That went exactly as planned, I must say! Lady Melisende, who was our chief coordinator for the Faire, looked very happy most of the time. And since she was happy, I was happy!
Batu even brought out his persona-correct tent: A yurt! Okay, actually I'm told it's a Gur, but it looks like a yurt to me. Whatever. All I know is that I've got a serious case of yurt/gur envy! You wouldn't believe how much space you've got in one of those things! Fracking awesome! You could sleep the Mongol Horde in one of those things! I know a 10th Century Welsh/Scot woman wouldn't have one in period, but couldn't we just say that milord husband is one hell of a procurer?
Speaking of Lachlan, he had a wonderful time at the Faire. The man was a whirling dervish! Everytime I looked around he was helping set up here; helping a fighter there; feeding somebody from the meat pies he'd made; making sure this fighter got water; nailing down that tent (Sunday got very windy!); taking tons of photos (And I'd jolly well like to talk to him about that........he didn't take any of me!.....Come to think of it, there are no pictures of him either). The man was unstoppable! He says he's really starting to feel like a part of the Barony, I say they're gonna have a hard time having a Barony without him! I love it! It's so good to see him this way!
So, last Thursday, we renewed our memberships--finally! Okay frankly, we were waiting to see how things were going to turn out. But now, we feel pretty confident that the Barony's going in a good direction, and we're actually quite proud to be part of it again. So, cool! Right?
And today, even though I've got more pain than a bull rider on Monday, we did our civic duty and filled out our mail-in ballots for the elections. Yup, feeling all righteous and American right now, you bet! We don't just put our little sign out in the front yard for all to see, we back it up with some serious voting! Yessir! Let someone come and mess with our sign supporting the O-Man and Scrappy Joe, it's too late now, dudes! The votes are in! Woot!