Milkfields finest hour! Backdated to Thursday morning.

Aug 20, 2011 01:17

[Action - Assassin House (and plus one princess and one knight) Backdated to Thursday]

[Ken of course has raced Miakis to the milk, intending to take whatever blow that this particular bottle holds. He figures that if it's one of the hurting ones, his trusty medically inclined girl can help him out.

No such luck. He's gotten the one full of hallucinogens.  His eyes glaze over and he seems to nod in agreement to orders only he can hear]

Fine fine, quit harpin' Aya, I'll get it done! [And off he runs. Good luck catching him.]

[Action - Public at the park]

[Ken is chasing the squirrel. Not for a good reason however. His hallucination just told him to open all those pop bottles for the flower shop. And that's what he's seeing. Not squirrels, that are running and chittering in fear, but pop bottles that are running away from him.

Any squirrel caught will get it's head torn off.  But that's only if he catches them. He's not having much luck.]

[[ooc: Right now Ken isn't having violent hallucinations, thankfully, but he is trying to catch squirrels thinking that they're pop bottles that are just rolling around. Feel free to try and convince him that they aren't. Or help him. Up to you.]]

squirrel hunter, hallucinations, is it thursday i never could get the han

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