Thoughts in a foreign place

Aug 04, 2011 15:45

[Public Phone]

Well, Miakis is still droned. I know it's temporary 'cause her runes are still there's taking a long time. But yeah, if you need her for anythin', you're just gonna have to wait.

[Public : 747 Partridge]

[Ken's gardening, taking care of his bright red rose bushes in the front yard. His gloves are a little old you can tell how he's doing by all the swearing from getting pricked by the thorns.]

[Public : The Park]

[Ken has been quiet these days, mainly because he's a little frightened of the fall out from the Truth gas. But he figures it's now high time he got his ass out of the house (this may have been assisted by Omi yelling at him for just lurking inside all the time), so he's taken his trusty soccer ball out.

Not that he's really playing right now, he's just sitting on the grass, poking at it.]

park thinking, gardening, bawww my girlfriend why so droned, roses have thorns

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