[IC Scene - Zain + Zaifar] Flashback - "Call Him Mr. Wrong"
"Zain? Is that you? W-Wait, don't leave! "
"It's LORD Zain, you nitwit. Address me properly. Now could you move away? I have matters to tend to."
" Right, -Lord- Zain. So you were here all along. People at the Argent Crusade grounds were looking for you. W-What happened...? You're all in cheap armor!"
"Looking for me so they can see how pathetic I am now? I was FUCKING ROBBED by troll bandits on the way to the Ebon Knights' encampment. I swear the cursed death knights conspired with the trolls to GET BACK AT ME! GRR!"
"I'm sure it's not the case... I'm sorry to hear that though."
" Psh, death knights will DO ANYTHING dirty. Fucking walking rots."
"That isn't very nice to say. Then again, I can see how it's possible that the death knights might have been behind this. You have been bossing and pushing them around, it wasn't very respectful."
"SEE?! They bloody deserve that kind of treatment! Respect for those rotters? Ha, no! Once I get back on my feet, I am going to request for an arrest warrant on those death knights back in Zul'Drak."
" Zain..."
"WHAAAT?! They are all fucking rude, broody and corrupted."
" So says the ever-raging sin'dorei."
"But you know... I have a lot of death knight friends, they are all very respectable individuals and Mr. Ravenloth's one of them. They are all not that bad. Remember that one time you ditched him back in Storm Peaks when he fell through the thin ice trying to get you Relics of Ulduar? That wasn't very nice... We had to spend hours to dethaw him out."
"Pffffffffft, he can take care of himself. Why help him out? Dead people don't feel cold too, might have been fantastic to leave him at the bottom of the ice lake."
"Urgh, Zain... You..."
"Now what? You're going to be call me an ass? A jerk face? A heartless bastard? I'm firm on my beliefs. That's the way I am, deal with it."
" Right, that's the kind of person you are. You couldn't be any different."
"That's right! Glad we're on the same page here. Now, excuse me... I have to go find that commoner girl and we need to be on our way to finish some missions. Not going to waste my time standing around and talking to a bag of bones."
"Commoner girl?"
"Yes, you heard me. I found myself a good, reliable servant-priestess. Thus, I do not need you or Ezidran to come babysit me! I am not going back with fools like you! Pfffft, I can handle everything on my own and pick myself back on my two feet, unlike a certain Death Knight and a wimpy undead priest. Oh, did I say that out loud? Hahahaha! "
"........ "
"Well then, shorel'aran! "
"... For once, I actually hate someone."