Jul 02, 2020 20:53

It's been almost four months since the pandemic hit the shores of our country and we're still reeling from its effects. Life, as we knew it, has already changed. Suddenly, all my problems prior seemed mundane. That world seemed a lifetime away. My entire world has been upended ever since.

I struggle to once again write about the new sets of problems plaguing me. But I have started to keep a notebook detailing my thoughts during the pandemic. Basically, it's filled with a lot of pessimism. I guess betrayal can do that to you.

But today, the past couple of days, everything felt a bit better. My mindset changed somewhat. And so I've thought about updating here.

I still feel that I'm at a giant crossroads. And I'm still figuring out where I stand on some things and where I plan on going for the rest of my life. But having clearer mind helps.

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