Title: Light of My Life, Fire of My Loins
Author: weird_number
Rating/Warnings: Violence
Summary: America and Russia spend the Cold War bombing themselves, over and over again, but never each other. France and England want nuclear weapons too, but they don't want to test on themselves, no, never that. Nuclear testing through the ages.
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Yep, according to what I'd read, England was super creeped out by Russia's nuclear testing and thus went to Australia, but when their relations with the US improved, they went back to America. But at the same time, they weren't happy with various proxy wars that the US was fighting...which I tried to show with England's progressive disgust.
I'm happy that you got the feeling of everything spiraling out of control from reading this -- it was basically what I was going for. Like at first it was all about survival, but it quickly turned into let's see who can top the charts in number of nuclear tests.
And I loved writing in Kazakhstan -- I could probably spin a whole new tale about how the Nevada protests inspired Kazakhstan, which eventually led to the dismantling of the Semipalatinsk test site. It also makes me want to write more about the (former) colonies that France and England tested on and their experiences. Haha, maybe this'll have to be a twoshot!
In any case, thank you for the long feedback! (I always love long feedback :D)
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