Title: Blind Carbon Copy (3/?)
Author: weird_number
Genre: Adventure, Drama
Ratings/Warnings: PG13/Angst+Humor
Summary: Japan's new teleportation machine goes awry, and an America from a world where his Revolution was disastrous comes to visit.
Pairings: US/UK. Maybe some AU!US/AU!Canada? Germany/France on the side.
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Haha, yes, England will realize things soon.
Oops, I totally forgot about the French parts that I left untranslated! Haha, thanks for the reminder, I guess I'll translate them on the fly:
"Angleterre, pardon, mais pourquoi tu ne choisis pas de jouer ce petit jeu d'Alfred? C'est une géniale idée, je crois."
"England, pardon, but why do you not choose to play this little game of Alfred's. It's a nice idea, I believe."
"Tu sais qu'il y a des gens qui ont beaucoup de pouvoir dans leur vie, qui évacuent leur stress dans des rôles de soumission? Tu as eu ces moments aussi, quand tu étais l'Empire britannique, n'est-ce pas? Et je me souviens, tu es venu vers moi...Mais maintenant, les Etats-Unis sont les mêmes."
"You know that there are people with a lot of power in their lives who release their stress by playing submissive roles? You have had these moments too, when you were the British Empire, right? And as I remember, you came to me...But now, the United States is the same."
Thanks for the translations, though, and I'm looking forward to more!
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