Hugo Voter Packets Are Here!

May 17, 2017 14:55

The Hugo voter packets came out today, and if you're interested in voting for the Hugos, you can register for Worldcon 75 at

I've already read three of the six novels that are up for the Hugo, and I look forward to reading the other three.

I adored Becky Chambers' A Closed and Common Orbit, and the three books I haven't read will have to be VERY good to knock it off of my #1 spot.  A Closed and Common Orbit is a sequel to her novel The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, and I could summarize Planet as Jane Austen Writes Space Opera.  A Closed and Common Orbit is a meatier and plottier novel and has some very cool ideas in it.  You don't need to have read Planet to understand it, though you'll probably appreciate it even more if you have done so.

I loved Ada Palmer's Too Like the Lightning, but the sequel to it -- Seven Surrenders -- did NOT live up to the promise of the first book, which taints the first book in my eyes, so Palmer's book will not be my #1.  It might be #2.

Charlie Jane Anders' All the Birds in the Sky was painful to read, since both of the protagonists are abused as children.  For awhile there, it seemed as if the book was building to a really GRAND conclusion that would unify magic and science, but the ending seemed to me to sort of fizzle out.  Maybe there was something symbolic in the ending that I missed, since I was having a somewhat fuzzy-brained day, the day I finished it.

So, on to the other three -- Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee, Death's End by Cixin Liu, and The Obelisk Gate by N. K. Jemisin.  The packet only has an excerpt from The Obelisk Gate, not the whole novel, but presumably the excerpt will be enough to tell me if I want to track down a copy at the library.

And then there are short stories and novellas and novelettes -- oh, my!

#2, #1

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