The first TEN SIX people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. (If you absolutely can't write, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to offer drawings or icons or something instead.) Via
xfirefly9x Note: I'm doing this to try and wake my muse, its been asleep for a long time now. I don't think I'm such a great writer but that's what I'm offering here. I can't even try to attempt icons etc. I'll try my hand at anything, as long as I know the fandom already, so check my profile interests for most of the fandoms I know. But be warned it could be vastly cracky! , smushy or just plain weird (fin). So want to see what my muse will make of the character(s) of your choice? Comment below...
1. Mal/Inara (Firefly) or Mac/Stella (CSI:NY)
xfirefly9x 2. Castle/Tony (Crossover) completed
here or Booth/Bones (Bones)
badcobear 3.