CSI episode thoughts and notes

Feb 03, 2012 02:05

I know a lot of these older notes won't make much sense, so feel free to ignore, I'm just archiving them I guess? In case the muse strikes and wants something to feed off, and I'll know which episodes to try and re-watch. But still feel free to comment if the mood strikes or you want to tell me something about a particular episode. :)

In order of watching. I'm starting with CSI because its first on my notes list and a new ep 12x09 aired tonight so clean slate.

Season 11x07 -11x22.

11.7 Bump and Grind
(Ew, why oh why did I decide to watch that during lunch?? I think CSI original just keeps getting more visual! I never realize that I miss this show until I watch it. Catherine/Nick, Greg/Hodges etc. H? Argh, I’m going to be confused if Horatio ever turns up again on CSI. Hodges would say he suits the name ‘H’ better though. ;) )

11.8 Fracked
(Sad episode. :( )

11.9 Wildlife
(OMG. If anyone shipped Catherine/Ray they would be SCREAMING right now. But I think they knew Ray and Catherine don’t seem to be a likely couple at all so they thought it would be safe, fun, innuendo (or should I say in your face!) LOL at Nicky never having been in a threesome and excited for his ‘first time’. I still think Cathy should dump the detective and start showing Nicky a thing or two.)

11.10 418/427

11.11 Man Up
(Guy from Alias (Marshall). And a Hodges getting over Wendy moment, I still wish she could come back… Looks like Mandy is beginning to get more screen time, though if they transform her into a field CSI like they did with Hodges and Wendy AND not to mention Greg, I will be very annoyed.),

11.12 A Kiss Before Frying
(Aw, so cute Greg running to get her number! Aw it’s not going to last longer than this episode is it? She and he make a cute, adorably cute, couple. Is she like inherently evil? Because she’s just too good for Greg. *sigh* Eh? That guy kind of sounds mixed between Russian and Australian…oh, South African. Egh, she’s so a killer! :/ Heh, definitely not a school teacher. ;) Shoulda told the team where you were going, you better have! Come on Catherine… Okay, not exactly Catherine saving the day but cops with Catherine. She didn’t want to bother getting her hair messed up for once. :P ),

11.13 The Two Mrs. Grissoms
(Oh, wow. Big personal episode huh? Aw, Mrs. Grissom doesn’t like Sara too much. But then if she was with him she’d blame her for taking him away from his mother. Oh, WOW Hodges…you dug yourself a huge whole by commenting on Grissom’s sex life! You would NEVER have done that if he was there…or would you? You almost made me choke on my own tongue! Is this where Sara leaves us again? I hope not but I hope so. But I’d like her back again if she does leave. Perhaps with Grissom next time? Aw, if I was still shipping Nick/Sara that bomb scene would have been priceless. Also, Catherine talking with Sara about Grissom is also awkward since I used to (and still do like most pairings I ‘used’ to ship) ship her with Grissom. See multi-shipper here. Cath/Gil, Sara/Gil, Sara/Nick, Cath/Nick. Haha the interpreter, I wondered at the start. It’s an easy character ‘switch’. Aw, a sweet end. And we actually got to see Grissom! Yay! He better come back soon.)

11.14 All That Cremains
(Yeah story was a little weak. Met Ray’s ex-wife she seemed nice. I wish the kid hadn’t done it I liked to think of a nicer relationship between her and Nick. Also Nick was impressed by Greg whacking the two suspects. Heh. )

11.15 Targets of Obsession
(I don’t like that they killed McCann but I do like the fact that means Justin won’t be coming back. Hopefully. Wow, poor poor Kip. And trying to shield them from the blast too. And that whole scene was just a Nick/Catherine/Vartann triangle. And the hospital scene! I know they want this to ‘cement’ the relationship with Lou into Catherine’s head, but I’ll just pretend it makes her want Nick. See they adore each other! Hugs all round. ;) Though the ‘You should get checked out’ line is kind of stupid, of course they all would have been. Nick should have said ‘again’ or something. And he protected her with his body when they went down also…)

11.16 Turn On, Tune In, Drop Dead
(A bit of Fringe here. The whole ‘tank’ thing and pseudoscience. Nothing else to add really. Also, Sara being a San Fran girl was brought up again….hm crossover with Nancy or Trauma team and Sara getting involved?),

11.17 The List
(Ah Vaughn, still there? Nick ‘breaking’ the news that Vaughn was one of the men that slept with Marie Anne. Also, Brass, Vartann AND Ecklie having been with the same woman? LOL. Interesting times. Also, that stab at Nicky from Lou about Warrick? Not nice, that play. “Crazy Bitch!” “I think you mean Crazy CSI Willows.” LoL Good to see Catherine has a cool head these days. )

11.18 Hitting for the Cycle
(I knew that annoying prat character would die and neither Nick or Greg win the ‘cycle’. But it was still cute to see. Not that death is cute. Also Hodges being on ‘Team Nick!’ that was quite adorable, since I could see those two as more. :P)

11.19 Unleashed
(Ah Lady Heather, sorry, Dr. Kessler. Hm, love that tension between Sara and her. I see them together as a formidable team. LOL at Hodges trying to ‘be in the goss’. Poor Ray, he has that untapped rage that he’ll kill Nate if he lets himself go. I kind of want more Sara/Ray moments here. Also, this episode was Nicky boy big time. He’s adorable with children, and yes Robbins was amazing, a very unnerving scene with Nicky that one was.)

11.20 Father of the Bride (1)
(The thing I got out of this? Hodges was moving out of home! :o Also, kinda felt bad for Henry getting the ‘fine you’ll have to make do’ by Ray! And Ms.Curtis was back!)

11.21 Cello and Goodbye (2)
(Oh, poor Gloria. This ep was kind of like CSI: LA. Almost the whole Vegas Crime Lab in the sun! I like it. Also Morgan Brody! Ah they love making ‘em a bit ‘different’ ey?)

11.22 In a Dark, Dark House (3)
(*sigh* The team gets all shady again. It’s easy to see how they will be able to write Langston out of it next season maybe he’ll come back for a few guestings? I wonder if William Peterson will agree to come back for a full episode now? That’d be nice. I love how Sara wants to ‘know’. I wonder what Nicky thought, though Nick and Robbins seemed to be the closest to Ray we didn’t really get Nicky’s POV did we?).

10x07 Crossover ep.
10.7 The Lost Girls
(WENDY! Hm, let down because it didn’t really seem like a ‘crossover’. Though for their story I see that they didn’t really need Horatio or Mac out there…but they could have written it another way then couldn’t they? Maybe kidnap one of their own or something silly? It was more a ‘Ray trilogy’ and unfortunately that gets put down later because the whole season of CSI was almost ‘Ray’ season. I liked seeing Ray&Nicky again together (before crap went down), and the texts were okay I guess. MARK SHEPPARD. All I can say is now I think he’d be the perfect ‘Zmey’ for the Vampire Academy movie. Seriously. Perfect. He can do both ‘evil and good’ roles and that character is a blend of both.).

Season 12: episodes 12x01 - 12x08

12.01 73 Seconds
(LOL, that was a bit like Temperance Brennan ‘let’s take the whole tram back to the lab’ kind of thing. XD Ray moved to Baltimore with his wife/ex-wife. Um, I’m with Hodges on this one, how did he get a small alien and slime = octopus? And then Catherine takes it one step further and says it’s all logical except for how did the octopus get there in the first place? LOL. This episode feels like crack or something. Ahaha, Greg likes the look of Miss Morgan aka Ecklie’s daughter. Octsopy? Seriously. Aw, gawd. They went there. People with tentacle squicks check out NOW. I didn’t want to think that way but they made us go thataway. *facepalm* And Russell asking Hodges for a ‘tentacle mistress’ place in town? Almost priceless. Ouch. Catherine felt a lot let down by the team and Nicky after their good years together. She got demoted because of Nicky and co’s rogue adventures. LOL. At Russell inviting them ALL to breakfast so they can clear the air! One of the biggest awkward moments in CSI me thinks. Or any show almost. Sara, Greg and Hodges all watching the two best friends fight. Ouch.)

12.2 Tell-Tale Hearts
(Nicky/Hodges moment. I kind of hope they don’t go there with the Greg/Morgan. But surprise us with either Morgan/Nicky or Morgan/Sara or something else entirely. Maybe Morgan/Hodges? And sad Catherine is sad. :( )

12.3 Bittersweet
(Yes, they’re doing a triangle between Nicky/Morgan/Greg. And Doc Robbins niece is cute. I would read fic with Nicky being won over by Morgan in the end.. 1st he didn’t want the whole ‘Ecklie’ drama. Second he wasn’t sure she was his type. Also, they tried to copy Bones with the lets never eat chocolate again scenario (except the chocolate was inside the person not the other way around), and they even got Wendell to try and play it through! Oh, Russell is going to be known for book/literature references isn’t he? I dig it. But weird thing, we never really see him reading…I love that.)

12.4 Maid Man
(Four episodes in and there’s still things to get used to with Russell. Which is a good sign. He’s becoming the literary head that plays with things randomly and shouts for his team (well, at least Greg) and has dry humour. The jokes without being jokes are fresh change! Greg sure was hot firing with all that Vegas history spouting from his mouth. And the way he knew about Catherine’s family history there was potentially fic plot in that… Eh, I didn’t like Morgan as much this episode perhaps the ‘entitled’ Prince card shining through was the deal.)

12.5 CSI Down
(Hahaha, brilliantly awkward but not awkward scene when Greg gets too protective of his crush Morgan and her dad has to hold him back from hitting the girl/lady when he probably just wants to hit her also! Naw, neither Greg nor Daddy Ecklie got to really comfort Morgan. LOL, at the Russell care though. Next to him she hardly looks older than a teenager there.)

12.6 Freaks & Geeks
(It was alright, story was a bit bland. Yucky sticking things happening though. Yay for the Nick & Hodges scene!)

12.7 Brain Doe
(My brother was amused at how odd but not odd Russell is, and Morgan’s fascination with ‘braintopsy’! Aw, the start of saying bye bye to Catherine? :( Also, Hodges/Sara? LOL. )

12.8 Crime after Crime
(Oh, grey line Brass is back…I don’t like. A little animosity between the two leads is nice for a change though. And I’m glad they didn’t say whether or not Catherine and Lou’s relationship it still going. I like to pretend that it’s not. Also, Morgan being all on about supernatural things ‘bloody Mary’ for one. And Greg acting like it was a date, lol. Russell’s comments about ghosts of the past. I could have fic where he’s a ghost and one of them gets the Christmas past visits.)

csi, slashiness, bones, tv, actors

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