So I stuck with one friend (the one from Supanova) today, my other friend bailed? I don’t know didn’t get any reply text nor see her there. Even though she was meant to be volunteering… so 1 out of 3 friends I thought last week I would see actually happened! XD
Onto the word and recap whilst I kind of remember.
Torri is SO cute and lovely. But so many people agreed that while lovely and personable, she looked like she could possibly be anorexic…
First thing she told me when I went for my photo after my friend? “You’re such a shy thing aren’t you!”
Well, what was I meant to say to that? Yes, Torri I am shy thank you for pointing that out. Or NO Torri no, way am I shy I just got tongue tied in your presence for a moment there! Or, before she said that should I have bounded in going, “this is an amazing moment in my life meeting you Torri! Is it as fun for you as it is for me?’ Uh, no thank you. I get nervous on the day so sure, maybe I won’t talk much. What do you say to a person as you get a photo that takes 30 seconds?
Later she was writing on a photo or print for someone (she put it up wedged sideways between the two tables to dry) it was literally an essay! More than 4 lines! Haha.
Also, she had her picture taken with R2-D2! She wrote on it I think. I don’t know if it was for her or the owner of R2-D2 or something. She said ‘Isn’t he cute? I asked him to sign it for me but he refused.’ *insert sad face*
She shook my hand twice! Before signing and after (luckily we snuck in when her line was empty hehe). She apologized for trying to shake my hand again when I’d just picked up the photo of us she had autographed, and I had it in both of my hands and I had a fumbling moment trying to free my correct hand to shake! *facepalm*
But my friend who had her photo in front of me said she complimented her on her dark scarf she was wearing *just* before the photo was taken, so she didn’t have time to reply otherwise she would have had a weird face for the photo. She said ‘thank you’ to Torri after the shot was taken and Torri was confused for a second then said ‘Oh, I’m sorry I always speak right as the photo is being taken!’ Heh. Adorable. <3
Doctor Who talk was surprisingly more fun than I expected. Though the sound system was HORRIBLE they kept getting feedback, and couldn’t hear half of the questions! Sophie Aldred was *incredibly* energetic, bounding up and down off the stage to listen to questions in person. Hold someone’s personal video camera to recorded them asking a question and then having fun and taking it up on the stage for ‘close-ups’ of Paul McGann and Sylvester McCoy. McCoy was incredibly energetic for his age also, both he and Sophie were very cheeky at time too. Pretending to mishear ‘favourite items from sets’ as ‘something to do with sex’, actually in Sophie’s case I’m not too sure if she was pretending… Paul was jet lagged saying yes it was good that he was alive even during the times he’s not considered a ‘doctor’, but he was the next thing worst than dead ‘jetlagged’. He was still very cute (filming the audience for his own personal video log), and funny and natural (except when ‘place dropping’ during a question asking “what would you like to be seen doing in Doctor Who if you could” that he would love the Doctor to go to the Himalayas and the Doctor meet the Yeti, because he recently built a house there and the crew could come over for tea and he wouldn’t have to go far for work.
Paul wanted to take his wig they made him wear for the movie and burn it, but they put it away in a ‘glass case’ and kept it away from him, while Sophie still has her jacket (that had a tag that said return to room 502(?) but she ‘conveniently’ misplace that tag reminder), Sylvester has some ‘spoons’ that were played on *insert name of person I can’t remember*’s front. Lots of laughs with his innuendo and turns. ;)
Sylvester heroically saved Sophie during filming in a water tank (yes, old news for some), when it was about to crack, and shouted at people above to pull her out immediately.
Paul wanted different clothes and hated them and they wondered if the Doctor was smelly (Sylvester tried to get Paul to smell his underarm to see…)
I was disappointed that after the talk for the double Doctor photo I was getting I saw them push out this big replica TARDIS from the small photo booth! If they had told me I would have gotten a TARDIS shot with a Doctor (to look even more corny?) I would have! The double was the exact same price as the singles (ie each person $40 so they wouldn’t have lost money telling people on the day that the individual shots got a TARDIS also! GRRR.
I was pretty pleased that the Doctor doubles and triples (yes, I should have gotten Sophie too but in the end I didn’t, she was SO lovely and amusing though!) were the same price per person unlike the double Stargate (Michael Shanks and Ben Browder both looking quite good looking in my friends picture!) was 20 dollars more.
I did get Jay’s signature, heard him emcee a bit (at the Doctor Who and voice panels), got Goofy/Pluto’s voice autograph, and Mela Lee who voices Vampire Knight among some screams in some horror films. ;) Bender’s appearance was short and they cut the line. :(
In line for my friend getting Michael Shanks autograph for her Aunty, behind her spot was a girl who I kind of thought was familiar looking. And when my friend left (with me minding her spot) to get Torri’s autograph when Torri’s line was shorter, the girl asked me if she knew me. I was surprised. I asked her if she went to my old high school and yes, she was one of the girls in my year a kind of friend of mine, not close though, elder sister! She thought I did music or something. Ha-ha. No, I told her. But I was in the ensemble for KISMET production she was a lead in, and did a number of presentations and speeches in front of whole school assembly! So funny that.
So bought things in order of receiving: Torri Higginson photo, Doctor Who (two doctors 7&8) sandwich photo, Torri signing photo (first signature ever bought!), Bill Farmer signature (free), Mela Lee signature (free), Jay Laga’aia (cost). My friend got almost the same, but replace Doctor sandwich with Stargate sandwich and Jay with Michael's auto for her aunty.
Also, found $20 on way home! XD
Overall a nice day. Though I am shocked I got up before 7.30 am for the first time in year and year (for a Sunday), also, I don’t think I’ve *ever* been on a train that early. *collapses onto couch to watch premiere of Bones! And maybe record Sherlock*