Mar 19, 2004 19:05
I was eating spaghetti and one of my meatballs fell off my plate and on the floor and my dog ate it. :(
Mar 17, 2004 15:18
I don't ever do anything interesting. I just got out of school and I'm hanging out with my freinds tonight. metallica needs to do another show around here!
Mar 09, 2004 10:49
I was in the park eating candy and I saw a little girl. I asked her if she wanted candy and she said no. I gave it to her anyway though, and she ate it. Why did she say no?
Feb 29, 2004 09:31
I thought I locked my keys in my car, and I was all embarased that I was going to have to call the police and they would think I was an idiot, but then I remembered that I put them in my pocket.