Aug 12, 2013 12:53
Ok this is where the WWII code breakers worked and played and lived. It was great, lots of cool info and the main house is beautiful. Got lots of pics and info. I would have been on one of the farms not in the codes, heck I cannot do codes except the most rudimentary, as I cannot spell for shit! But I have a lot of respect for those who have an excellent grasp of the languages, and the twist that lets them work with coding.
Now it is down to the wire on getting ready for the pack out next week, then it is coasting to the ship out of me. I leave on Aug 30 a Friday then arrive on Fri. at 8:30 spend the night in Columbia and fly out the next morning for Atl. Seth picks me up at the airport and I stay with him for 2 weeks then flay back to Columbia to stay in Billeting and wait for Arasin.