Apr 05, 2008 00:18
I wont try and make some lofty claim that I'm completely over her, but honestly the only thing I miss right now are specific times. Sex while camping or picking her up from west Philly when she had the horrible night or cooking. And for the most part I haven't had this much contempt for someone since korey, they pulled the same shit. Attacking my weaknesses and vulnerabilities and tearing me down. Sadly her "friends" have taken immature routes that include childish drunken phone calls, shit talking, and talk of throwing up when they can't even be mature enough to make eye contact. But these are the same people that are hypocritical, disloyal, and even drop the term bitch faggot. But its ok, they're friends with feminists.
On the advice of a good friend, I instituted somewhat of a moral baseline for my actions and its working out well.