Nov 16, 2007 19:45
One of the least charming aspects of having kids in public school is that they come home with quite the repertoire of nasty insults. Orion got mad a computer game character today and called him a "retard." Okay, not that I DON'T use that expression, but not around my kids. (And not about people who are really retarded. Just people who act that way.) Fenris is is Special Ed for his autism, and some of the kids in the program are, in fact, retarded. Fenris has a very sweet and open attitude to those kids, and I don't want that to change.
Therefore, I told Orion "Don't say 'retard.' It's really mean."
"Oh yeah?" he says. "Then what SHOULD I say when someone is acting RILLY RILLY STUPID?"
"Well sweetie, 'dumbass' has always worked for me."
I'm not even going to describe the look my dear husband gave me. I'm surprised I didn't just spontaneously combust.
Hey, I could have said "dumbSHIT." But I didn't.