Oct 11, 2007 15:50
So I went to Portland for the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival with my dear friend Suzanne this past weekend, and we had a blast. However, we did have an Evil Fucking Hotel Room.
First it locked us out at 1AM, and wouldn't let us back in. It took two people 20 minutes and some kind of secret ninja door machine to get it open. The air conditioner went on and off by itself. Weird smells would waft through for no good reason. However, the beds were comfy and the water pressure was good. So maybe it was only a Cranky Fucking Room.
The festival was a blastI We saw loads of great flix, and one really bad one:
"The Thing" and "In The Mouth of Madness" on the big screen for the first time ever! Sure, I'd seen them before, but it was WAY fun to see them in the theater. Especially "Madness." Love those Cthulhu monsters toward the end!
"Chill." Sucktastic adaptation of one of my favorite HPL stories, "Cool Air." I actually felt sorry for the director, who was there--the audience was laughing like loons at the bad lines and awful direction.
"Chtulhu." Absolutely wicked riff on "The Innsmouth Horror." I just loved it. Rent it when you can!
"Wishbaby." I didn't expect to like this at all, but I thought it was terrific. It's a very dark fairy tale set in modern London. It has lots of overtones of Victorian cautionary tales for children, in a wonderfully creepy way.
"The Last Winter." The scariest film of the festival. Larry Fessendon gets better with every film he puts out. "Wendigo" was really interesting and worth it for the visuals, but ultimately not satisfying. This movie was DEFINITELY satisfying and very, very creepy.
Plus lots and lots of shorts. It was an absolute kick in the butt! I'm SO going next year.
And then there was the lounge next door to our hotel. Not that we spent EVERY night there drinking or anything.
Okay we spent every night there drinking. A cute rockabilly bartender brought me a mudslide in a friggn' pint glass. It tasted like some kind of amaretto popsicle. And some dude named Larry, who was a regular, bought me and Suz a couple of shots of Jack each. Did I drink 'em? Hell yeah. To quote Eli Roth in "Death Proof":
"As long as a guy's buying, a fuckin' bitch'll drink ANYTHING."
Yep yep yep.
It was an awesome weekend. Much gurl bonding. Now I've gotta pack for Arizona this weekend. Crikey...