May 05, 2009 16:39
This morning before school I went shopping because I just couldn't fathom doing anything - like going to the grocery store - after school. This state testing is just exhausting. So I picked up my Snapple and diet Pepsi and the all important chocolate.
But I picked up something for my cherubs too. State testing in hard. I feel that the students should be rewarded for their effort and hard work. So, between the first test and the second, I made a big deal about how proud I was of their focus and effort, and I said I had something special for them. That's when I pulled the jar of Starbursts out of the closet. Glee!
I know it's a whole big thing now that we can't give students candy in school; it's the whole sugar thing. But ONE freakin' Starburst isn't going to send anyone over the edge. So my students get to feel like they're the shit eating illegal candy, they get a little flavor burst and then it's back to work.
I'm so glad the language part of the test is done. I have much higher hopes for the math portion of the test. We shall see.