(no subject)

Mar 25, 2013 08:41

I have a new computer. I've never had a new computer before so it's a whole new thing for me. My old computer was a work cast-off I purchased for $50 seven years ago. Everyone keeps telling me it died a natural death, and it was it's time to go, so I suppose I should be grateful it lived a long and fufilled life. I went out and purchased a new laptop on Friday and spent the weekend trying to make it work properly. Hate Windows 8. Cannot find my way around it. Cannot get it to do what I want to do. Very, very frustrating. On the plus side, everything is very speedy. No more hitting the icon for Word, going and making a cuppa, then coming back to see if it's opened yet.

So, verdict on new computer:

Computer great
Windows grrrrr

News on the new neice front - J is finally walking! A little. Not much. Still prefers crawling, but she's getting there. She's had a problem with double-jointed knees and very small feet, which means her knees don't lock in place properly and so learning to walk has been that much more difficult for her. The double-jointed thing seems to run in our family, as my dad and I have double jointed knees, and my nephew has double jointed elbows.
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