Last week I went to a training class to learn new technologies for my job. The class sucked and I feel like I need to take another class now since I hardly learned anything. I mean, this company doesn't even provide projectors for their a rule. So basically the guy was reading the book that was right in front of my face to me. For over $2000. And the lab book was full of errors and typos...absurd. I gave them a piece of my mind on the evaluation on the last day.
This weekend was Pride, and so S and I took baby M, who slept most of the time in the baby bjorn. Good boy :-) He is 6 weeks old and getting better all the time. Smiling a lot now, giving us many hours of sleep at night. Those first 2-3 weeks were hellish, but now it's a lot more enjoyable, although still challenging. I await the magical 3 month time period when all babies supposedly turn into fun-loving, easy-going angels. He does seem to be on the way there, although he has his drama queen moments as babies do. But those cheeks are irresistable to kiss.
I was finally able to get my birthday present from S (and I say 'finally' not because of her, but because it took 3 appointments to get it). It's a koi fish tattoo, pictured below. I originally made an appointment with an artist who emailed me to reschedule because he had double-booked himself. No problem. Then when I arrived at the second appointment, he stood me up because he was sick. No email or anything. I went somewhere else instead and am very happy with the results, and had a nice chat with the artist while he did the work.
And our little boy at 6 weeks