
Mar 05, 2009 11:51

* Prop 8 arguments to be heard in court today. Hoping for the best.

* What the hell is up with the "Pray to End Abortion" activists I see every friggin day on my way home from work? (yes, I pass an abortion clinic on the way home, but never have I seen so many protesters). Things I have thought of doing in response: 1. Hitting them with my car 2. Walking over there with my pregnant wife and making out in front of them 3. Taping signs to my car window on that side that say "PRO-ABORTION: THE WORLD IS OVERPOPULATED" or "YOU CANNOT STOP CHOICE." Things I have actually done: Rolled my eyes/shook my head and kept driving

* This. Economy. Blows. Especially the whole "trickle-down effect"

* I am pee-my-pants excited about the 70 degree weather this weekend. SQUEE.

* 33 weeks. 7 to go. Holy cow. Baby come soon.
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