The nerd training continues...

May 14, 2008 19:41

I'm in training this week (Tues - Fri). It's at the same facility I went to last time, only for whatever reason, it's taking me a lot longer to get there this time. I have to choose between the lesser of two evils in the mornings (295 vs. 495) and apparently I've been choosing wrong, even after listening to traffic reports. I got there right at 9 on the first day, which means there were no seats left except the one right in front of the instructor. Well, no biggie...that doesn't really bother me. But then some guy who was even later then me turned out to be my partner. He's inexperienced, despite his age, and pretty daft. He's also never coded before and I just can't comprehend how someone could be in this class if they have no coding experience. At the end of the day yesterday, we (and by that, I mean "I") were doing some exercises and he just gave up. He even said 'I'm done for today,' and it was only 3:30. So I wasn't surprised at all to find him missing from today's class. No bother- I prefer doing the work alone instead of pulling along someone who is clearly out of his element. I need to learn this stuff for myself, not teach the basics to someone else. I don't know if he'll be back tomorrow, but missing 1 day of a 4 day class isn't too bright if he is.

Got to hang out with a friend I haven't seen in a while yesterday. We took Hazel for a walk around the lake and then went to Rita's for italian ices. It was a nice evening. S & I also went on a walk with the dog this evening, and the dog managed to find a nice patch of poison ivy. We gave her a bath/rubdown when she got home and I'm crossing my fingers now that no one gets any itchies.

hazel, work, get togethers

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