Testing, 1, 2

Mar 07, 2008 15:39

Class is over! Brain is full! I was reminded how difficult exams are today. I felt so distracted and pressured taking that 40 question, multiple choice thing at the end...normally I find things like that to be no problem, but I guess in a classroom atmosphere, I feel really antsy. Anyway, I get my results in 2 weeks and if I pass, I'm 1 class down, 3 to go to get my certification :)

My partner, Marc: So how long have you been married?
Me: Um...in June it will be 2 years.
Marc: That's cool.
Me: We're not...legally married though...since we're both women.
Me: Yeah, I'm gay.
Marc: Me too!

So THAT'S why we hit it off so well lol
But I kinda figured that about him when an hour earlier he told me he loved Martha Stewart ;)

And now...fun friday thingies...

From thefridayfive:

1. What song would you sing to your newborn child? (OR if you already had a child, which song did you sing to him/her?) There will be lots of things I sing, but for some strange reason, "On Top of Spaghetti" is coming into my head... lol

2. How do you think animals think? (i.e. in animal language, human language, etc.)
I don't think they process things or analyze things like we do...except maybe some species, like chimpanzees. Most animals I think just "do" and if it works for them, great, and if it doesn't, try again or try something else. It's a much more simplistic way of going about things. I also know there are things they like and don't like, and they're happy or not happy with them respectively. I can't deny that my dog is happy when she's sitting cozily with S and I. It's the kind of contentment you can feel.

3. As a child, did you have a dream to make a difference in the world? Can you describe your dream?
I didn't think I'd make a difference in the WORLD, but I did think I would have a career working with animals and that I'd make a difference to them.

4. Do you believe in God/a Higher Being? Ah, this one again. I'm agnostic and firmly believe that no one can truly know this while here on Earth. And the idea of "God" that most people have, I lean toward a big fat "no."

5. Do you believe in aliens?
I believe there may be life beyond this solar system. It's as alien to us as we would be alien to them.

And finally, today's photo friday theme is: TOUCH

Damn. Now I want a massage ;-)

people, work, meme

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